A Multilog lança o seu primeiro Relatório de Sustentabilidade! Referente ao ano de 2022, a publicação apresenta nosso posicionamento em ESG (Sigla em inglês para Environmental, Social and Governance) e as iniciativas que vêm tornando nossa gestão cada vez mais sustentável. O comprometimento da Multilog com a evolução da Agenda ESG se reflete na apresentação transparente de informações que interessam aos diversos públicos com os quais nos relacionamos. Nesse sentido, o Relatório representa um importante passo da Companhia em direção ao reporte cada vez mais integrado de sua atuação, refletindo nossas práticas sociais, ambientais e de governança. Alinhados às orientações da Global Reporting Inititiave (GRI), buscamos reportar nesta edição temas e indicadores relacionados aos temas de maior relevância para a sustentabilidade dos negócios. Quer saber mais sobre a Gestão Sustentável da Multilog e conhecer nosso Relatório?

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The contribution to sustainable development constitutes Multilog’s commitment to society, reflecting our long-term vision and decisively influencing the conduct of business, through the best practices of corporate governance and socio-environmental responsibility. In order to ensure the alignment of its practices with this operating premise, in a structured basis, Multilog defines the following fundamental guidelines for sustainable management, applicable to all its operations:

Ethical and honest conduct guides Multilog’s management in all spheres, as an essential part of its corporate culture. Thus, it is reflected in policies, processes and practices, as well as in the relationships established with the most diverse stakeholders. This commitment also includes the adoption of governance mechanisms that ensure transparency and legal compliance with the Company’s activities.

Download Multilog’s Code of Ethics and Conduct:


Multilog has a fundamental commitment to the promotion of Human Rights. Thus, it seeks to offer a healthy, safe, diverse and inclusive work environment to all our employees, boosting their development. On another front, the Company seeks to engage in initiatives that contribute to the socioeconomic development of the communities where it operates.

Download Multilog’s People Management Policy:


In addition to identifying and minimizing negative impacts caused to the ecosystem by its operations, Multilog is committed to developing actions that contribute to the conservation of the environment and the planet’s climate, in a broad manner. To this end, it works to raise the awareness of employees and other stakeholders, seeking the effective engagement of the public with whom it interacts regarding the topic.

Download Multilog’s Environmental Management Policy:


Committed to the continuous improvement of the customer experience, Multilog focuses on quality in all stages of its processes. In this regard, it strives to ensure that its services comply with the requirements of regulatory bodies and the requirements defined by customers and end consumers.

Download Multilog’s Integrated Management Policy:


Focused on offering highly qualified logistics services, Multilog guides its business towards the development of sustainable solutions, in order to promote the topic throughout the value chain. Such solutions should contribute to the continuous improvement of our customers’ satisfaction, becoming a relevant competitive advantage in our commercial relationships. The Company sees innovation as a cross-cutting aspect of its business strategy, encouraging the development of innovative projects with its internal public and other stakeholders.

The achievement of Multilog’s operational and financial objectives supports the sustainability of the business in the long term, allowing for the development of socio-environmental initiatives that result in benefits for the society as a whole and for the business. The Company, therefore, strives to remain competitive in the segments and regions in which it operates, in order to ensure the assertive execution of its business strategy.