Santos - CLIA

The Multilog unit in Santos is located 2 km from the exit of the main Brazilian port and the largest port complex in Latin America, Santos Port, which ensures quick removal from the primary zone. It also has a dedicated area for Chemicals, a fully equipped warehouse for flammables, a special security team for yard cargo and has expertise in the storage of special machinery, in the management of dry cargo and in export processes.The Multilog unit in Santos is located 2 km from the exit of the main Brazilian port and the largest port complex in Latin America, Santos Port, which ensures quick removal from the primary zone. It also has a dedicated area for Chemicals, a fully equipped warehouse for flammables, a special security team for yard cargo and has expertise in the storage of special machinery, in the management of dry cargo and in export processes.

  • Avenida Ver. Alfredo das Neves, 1310 - Alemoa - CEP: 11095-510 - Santos - São Paulo
    CEP: 11095-510

  • (13)3523-7088 | (13)3523-7089 | (13)3523-7080

  • Doubts? Contact us.
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